Living Authentically

Planning Accordingly

Every financial plan, like every life, is unique, and working with an advisor who understands the nuances of the issues members of the LGBTQ+ community face can help ensure a more meaningful and beneficial relationship.

Choosing a financial advisor is the start of a personal relationship – the right advisor can help guide you through the milestones of your life. 

Getting Married.
We’ll help you plan your future as a couple.

Staying Single

Ensuring you are financially protected

Buying your first home.
We’ll be the sounding board to help you navigate the home buying process.

Starting a family.
We’ll be there as you begin your journey towards parenthood.  A multitude of options are now available for LGBTQ+ people wanting to start a family but, it can represent a significant financial event that should be included early as part of your major goals.

Caring for those you love.
Caring for a loved one or significant other can be an overwhelming task.  We’ll be there to help you build the right plan without sacrificing your well-being.

Carrying on your legacy.
It’s important to make sure you final wishes are carried through.  There are a number of legal structures that with the help of an attorney can help keep your wishes intact.


At Masterpiece Financial Partners, we celebrate diversity with PRIDE. You don’t have to know all the answers right away – you don’t even need to know all the questions.  We can help you figure out your priorities and work with you to build a plan and strategies that are right for you.